La Bonne Brosse
La Bonne Brosse
N°04 La Miracle - Rose

La Bonne Brosse
N°04 La Miracle - Rose
Distinctive features : Made exclusively of ultra-fine, curled nylon fibers, this is the vegan model in the range, the "scalp brush" par excellence!
Another plus : its nylon fibers of different sizes are set on hyper-soft rubber, promising addictive detox and soothing massages. And last but not least, it can be used on damp hair.
Results : Knot-free lengths thanks to nylon fibers. A healthy, stimulated and soothed scalp thanks to fibers of different sizes implanted on hyper-soft rubber.
For which hair type : All hair types! Thick, frizzy, sensitive or even curly - and even, rare enough to be highlighted, children's hair!
Elke bestelling is uniek en we bereiden ze altijd met veel plezier voor met de grootste zorg. Voor bestellingen boven 150€ in de Benelux brengen wij geen verzendkosten in rekening.
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1050 Bruxelles
T +32 (0)2 511 69 69
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