Bois Iridescent

Bois Iridescent
Bois iridescent is a very singular perfume, enhancing wood to take us far far away…
Bois Iridescent .
What a strange name !
Iridescent as in irised… rainbow ?
This is where the magic stands, a mystery which tells in two words a perfumer’s enthrallment for wood.
Here, Alberto Morillas turns it into “floral wood”, transfixed by rays of colours, with bergamot essence and mandarin oil bringing brightness in, and Paradisone® its crystal-clear freshness.
The combination of violet leaf and Iris absolute creates a powdery and floral touch; it forms the perfume’s heart which then unveils woody and sandalwood notes to eventually end with Cetalox® amber-musky hint.
Elke bestelling is uniek en we bereiden ze altijd met veel plezier voor met de grootste zorg. Voor bestellingen boven 150€ in de Benelux brengen wij geen verzendkosten in rekening.
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Haute Parfumerie - Haute Cosmetique & Institut
1050 Bruxelles
T +32 (0)2 511 69 69
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