Tubéreuse - Eau de Parfum

Tubéreuse - Eau de Parfum
On her bare skin, the memory of ecstasy, and in the air of this room with a view, the streamlined trail of cigarette smoke: the indelible trace of love, the fiery memory of mad desire. A narcotic fragrance that tingles with the forbidden, like a return to the instinctive sources of perfume.
Headspace / The smell of smoke and burning skin.
Matières Premières / At the heart of this bouquet of tuberose and deceptively wise white flowers is a fiery accord of tobacco and vanilla. An olfactory firecracker capable of consuming hearts and bodies.
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Notre magasin
Haute Parfumerie - Haute Cosmetique & Institut
1050 Bruxelles
T +32 (0)2 511 69 69
Onze shops zijn open vanaf
Maandag tot Zaterdage vanaf 10u tot 18u30
Uitzonderlijke openingsuren tijdens de kerst- en nieuwjaarsperiode
Open Zondag
15/12 van 12h00 tot 18h00
22/12 van 12h00 tot 18h00
Kerstavond & Oudejaarsavond
24/12 van 10h00 tot 16h00
31/12 van 10h00 tot 16h00
(Gesloten donderdag 02/01/25)
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